Part 2. How to Replace Business4 Plone Skin Front Page Image

Tutorial about changing Business4 Plone Theme image for the front page in Plone 3.

The following tutorial covers changing of Business4 Theme top image on a Plone 3 website. Instruction for changing it in Plone 4 - see in How to replace Business4 Theme top image in Plone 4 tutorial.

Front page image of 305x76px size is displayed on all site pages unless another image is uploaded for a folder.


You can change this default image via Zope Management Interface, select portal_skins -> qploneskinbusiness4.


Open top-left.gif image:


This is the default theme image, select it to see the whole information about it, including its Id, dimension, size, modification date. Press Customize to set a new image as a default one:


Browse your file system for a new image and upload it.


Now when you return to Plone interface, you'll see image, you've just uploaded on the top area:



Image size is limited to 77px height. If your image is higher it will not be displayed completely. Image width is not limited, image acts like a background, i.e. it will be hidden behind site actions tabs.


The following screenshot displays how a bigger image will be displayed.


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