quintagroup.transmogrifier provides easy Plone Migration Tool for migrating content between two Plone websites. It allows to export content from one Plone website and easily import it into another one.

quintagroup.transmogrifier package includes Plone blueprints for collective.transmogrifier pipelines that are used for exporting/importing Plone site content.
quintagroup.transmogrifier package can be used as independent Plone Migration Tool by providing ways for handling content migration from one Plone site to another. This package overrides GenericSetup 'Content' step - so this package can be used out-the-box to migrate site content.
You can manage import/export procedure by configuring pipeline and appropriate blueprints in quintagroup.transmogrifier configlet that appears after products installation. Blueprints, included into the package, allow to:
- return queried items from the catalog
- create pipeline items from contents of Plone site folders
- walk through different GenericSetup import contexts and yield items for every folder
- generate and parse manifest files - listings of objects contained in some foldere in XML format
- migrate properties for objects that inherit from OFS.PropertyManager.PropertyManager mixin class
- use context sensitive components (adapters) to do needed corrections in data generated in previous sections
- set references for content objects
- migrate comments for site content
- extract data from Archetypes file fields
- apply stylesheet to some XML data stored on item.
Apart from standard Plone content types migration, quintagroup.transmogrifier allows to carry out migration of additional Plone content types. There are special packages used for such cases: these are quintagroup.transmogrifier.simpleblog2quills (allows blog migration from SimpleBlog to Quills) and quintagroup.transmogrifier.pfm2pfg (allows forms ,igration from PloneFromMailer to PloneFormGen).
Product design and development was done by:
- Bohdan Koval
- Andriy Mylenkyy
- Vitaliy Podoba
- Volodymyr Cherepanyak
- Myroslav Opyr
- Download eggs and find package installation instructions at PyPI quintagroup.transmogrifier project area
- Read Documentation about Plone content migration
- Get the latest development version from Github repository
- Submit tickets to Issue tracker
- Post feedback about product in TalkQuintagroup Plone Forums