Spine.js - framework for development of responsive web apps

Spine.js is a CoffeeScript written library for client-side web application development

Spine.jsSpine.js is a lightweight web application development framework. It is written in CoffeeScript, very concise and easy to read. Although its creators recommend CoffeeScript as a “path of least resistance”, Spine.js does not demand knowledge of this language for app development, pure JavaScript is more than enough.
Spine is not cumbersome and combines only the most essential features. It doesn’t influence HTML and CSS code, but gives you the solid basis for your creativity. MVC (Model–view–controller) pattern adds structure and well-built architecture to the JavaScript-based applications where view and model logic work together seamlessly. Moreover, Spine concentrates on client-side, or simply on what end-users want and will receive. Communication between Spine and server is asynchronous in order to ensure instant application response.

The core elements of Spine.js

Spine.js comprises three pillars - three basic implementations: classes, models, and controllers. CoffeeScript classes really distinguish Spine from other frameworks. Classes are the most optimal means of encapsulating logic and name-spacing. Using JavaScript prototypal inheritance, Spine becomes dynamic and properties are resolved at runtime.
Since the hardest obstacle for client-side frameworks is data management, Spine js uses models according to the MVC pattern. There is no need to access server-side variables, as data is stored locally on the client-side. Exactly for these purposes models are used. Data access is almost instant and users don’t have to wait for downloading of remote data. Models store not only application’s data, but all logic associated with it.
Controllers are more similar to series of conventions than to actual code. Controllers extend Spine, synchronize models and views, bind all components of application together. Furthermore, they respond to DOM events and render templates.

Choose Spine.js for your project

Spine.js was affected by Backbone.js, thus they share similar features and are often compared. While Spine comprises classes, models, controllers, and views, it doesn’t use collections that are vital to Backbone.js. The main difference between these two JavaScript frameworks lies in their interactions with the server. If you want to make some changes, e.g. update, delete, or insert an element, web application developed with Backbone.js will need to make a request to the server and only after operation is completed the user interface will be refreshed. Spine is more focused on the client-side experience and responsiveness, it refreshes user interface immediately and server Ajax updates are secondary. This may lead to the errors because user is informed that the action is completed before the server processed the request and user action may not be completed successfully.
That is why it is important to choose from all diversity of JavaScript libraries the one that suits each specific case. Spine.js is the most suitable for those projects where users definitely have access to the data they operate on.

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