
Get responsive, valid, well-structured designs with Vue.JS at the core.

Why Vue.JS?

vuejs_2.jpgVue.JS is an open-source JavaScript framework that is used for building user interfaces. It has become increasingly popular among the IT professionals recently and can boast a rapidly growing community contributing actively to the speedy improvement of this framework with the frequent issue of new releases. It is more and more used as the basic technology by such major companies like Alibaba and Baidu, proving its great performance and functionality, taking into account the high traffic their websites need to handle.

Progressive framework

Vue.JS was created in 2014 by the former Google employee Evan You who calls it a progressive framework. The implication of this characteristics lies in the view that the framework can be incrementally adoptable, that is developing gradually in stages, adapting to steps that are needed to be done in the course of application development.

What’s good about Vue.JS

The first outstanding feature of the Vue.JS favoured by the developers is its speed and great performance in rendering web pages. A move to virtual DOM in server-side rendering when there is no more need to rerender the whole page when a single object is changed really saves time.

Focused on the view layer only, it is renowned as being very light. Front-end professionals admire it for not having an overwhelming amount of additional features at its core, just the basic ones, and, simultaneously, allowing to integrate with other libraries and extensions when scaling up. As it’s creator puts it, the complexity of a tool (a framework) should be justified by the complexity of the project that it is used for. So, in Vue.JS, one can just pick and download those templates that fit their particular use case. This way the framework acquires much flexibility and, as a result, can be applied for the development of both simple and sophisticated projects.

One more good part of Vue.JS is its low learning curve with simplicity in design. Knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and REST API technologies would be enough to get the hang of it. This helps IT professionals to get acquainted with the framework in no time and so avoid delays in the work progress as well as reduce the onboarding cost for the companies.

Vue extensions

Due to its growing popularity, Vue can boast about having elaborated a number of derivative/secondary frameworks and supporting libraries, for example, VuePress for static website generation, Vuex meant for state management, Vue Router to build single-page applications, Vue Native for cross-platform mobile apps, and the list is rapidly growing. Even though Vue.JS is sometimes claimed to have a narrow use case like working mostly on simple projects, one can be sure that, taking advantage of its compatibility with a vast number of additional libraries, even more complex solutions find their visual realization using this tool.

How we work with Vue.JS

Quintagroup front-end professionals have got this technology at their fingertips and you are always welcome to check out our Vue.JS use cases: Land-Lease Auction in Prozorro.Sale system, Georgian electronic Government Procuring system. If you happen to have any additional questions on our Vue-related expertise or would like to estimate your project, contact us using this form.

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